Ability Recommendation
- The 3D plot: Different pokemons with different abilities.
- The word cloud: Abilities, size by their occurence among all pokemons.
- Each pokemon takes 1 to 3 abilities.
- There are many abilities, they take different occurence rates among pokemons.
- The 3D plot: Hover on each point for detailed ability information for each pokemon.
- Click on dots on the right to filter pokemons by the abilities they have.
- The word cloud: Hover on each word for ability counts.
- A bar chart showing the occurrence of an ability among the "OU" pokemons.
- Number of abilities shown is adjustable.
- Every pokemon has a "Tier" attribute, among them, the "OU" rank signals the strongest pokemons.
- Here we sort the top abilities by their occurrence in the "OU" pokemons.
- Hover on each bar to view the ability name and occurrence count.
- Click on each bar to view detailed information about the ability.
- Toggle the slider to show the top abilities.
Number of Abilities Displayed: